The Neuroscience of Selling

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Between dwindling access, longer, more complex buying cycles and the increased use of technology, the healthcare selling environment has grown infinitely more challenging and complex — yet typical sales training approaches fail to reflect this new reality. Most of the industry still relies heavily on knowledge-based training that is designed to trigger the cerebral cortex, the logical side of the brain. This kind of training conditions salespeople into believing that the value they bring is the information they provide and that they can win customers over by the magic of their words. 

Considering 95% of buying decisions are emotional, occurring in the limbic system of the brain, these traditional sales training methods touch on only a fraction of what is needed to help customers change their behavior. In a world inundated with information, the differentiating value salespeople bring is their ability to listen, problem-solve and facilitate change. Their success lies in mastering the human elements of sales, and this requires developing an entirely different mindset and skillset. 

In this DeviceTalks Tuesdays webinar, you will learn to:

  • Align sales training, processes and behaviors with the way people actually buy.
  • Shift mindsets about what it means to sell today.
  • Apply a science-driven approach to enhance customer engagement skills.

Don’t miss this interactive discussion. Reserve your spot today! Presented by our John Crowder and hosted by Tom Salemi, Editorial Director of DeviceTalks.