Customers need to be put first throughout the entire customer journey. It’s never been more important to understand your customers and what they value. But where does the customer experience begin? And how do you tactically create a consistent experience that will keep customers loyal?

Jeannie Walters, Founder and CEO of Experience Investigators, shares tangible pieces of advice for putting customers first through their entire journey with your organization.

She connects the dots between customer success and sales, and explains how the two groups can partner to optimize outcomes for all parties. She also dives into the use of technology in the customer experience, revealing how it can help and where it can hurt.

In this Mental Selling episode, you’ll learn:

  • Proactive strategies for enhancing sales through customer experience
  • The power of authenticity in nurturing customer relationships
  • When (and when not) to leverage technology to improve the customer experience

What to listen for:

  • [04:00] Understanding the customer journey
  • [10:30] What elite brands are doing right
  • [13:00] Leveraging automation to improve customer experience
  • [19:00] How sales and CX leaders can collaborate to boost revenue
  • [24:00] The limitations of sales funnels
  • [29:30] Competing against apathy
  • [35:30] The power of reassurance
  • [39:00] Creating a CX punch list

It’s easy to say that we put the customer first, but what does that actually look like?

Jeannie shares tangible pieces of advice for prioritizing customers:

Recognize that customer experience doesn’t magically happen. It’s a process that we need to manage.

⚙️Consider the implications on customers when making changes to your operations.

Identify customer thoughts, feelings, and actions at each stage of their relationship with your organization. Look for places to remove moments of frustration and add in emotional high points.

❤️‍ Recover from mistakes with grace. Everyone messes up, but the way we handle making things right is what makes a difference.

For more insights on improving the customer journey as a salesperson, listen to Will’s conversation with Jeannie.

Additional Resources From This Episode:

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